Kwalee’s Mission:

Making The Most Fun Games For The World's Players

game publisher
mobile game download icon
1 Billion+

mobile game downloads

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games published

monthly active players icon
30 Million

active monthly players

Who is Kwalee?

Kwalee has been making the most fun games for the world’s players for over a decade. Our people are smart, caring and ambitious and creative energy flows through our studios in the UK, India, China, Portugal and our talented remote teams around the world. Join us and exceed your potential - whether you want an expert publisher for your game or a life changing career with us. Let’s Play!

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best mobile game publisher hyper casual game publisher hybrid casual game publisher casual game publisher game publisher kwalee games

Publish Your Mobile Game

With over 1 billion downloads, Kwalee offers award-winning publishing support - including funding, user acquisition and monetisation. Benefit from our world-class marketing, QA, production and localisation capabilities, all delivered by our friendly team. You focus on making high quality games and enjoy the process while we make your game - and your studio - as profitable as possible.

game studio
PC Console Games

As a video game publisher, we launch and scale captivating games for PC and Consoles. Kwalee only releases awesome games. Our experienced team delivers tailored product marketing, community, analytics and release management plans. Developers love to work with our committed team who know and love their game, and who have excellent relationships with all leading platforms including Steam, Epic, Playstation and Nintendo.

kwalee mobile games kwalee pc game

kwalee jobs
Careers At Kwalee

Work at the Best Large Studio (TIGA 2021) and the Best Publisher (Mobile Game Awards 2022) in the world and enjoy being part of our ambitious and supportive team. If you love to play games and make games, then Kwalee is the right company for you.

As a Game Publisher, we’re super proud of our awards

Game News, Interviews and Insights

Read more about the latest games news and trends on our Kwalee blog. We share interesting interviews and insights about publishing, development, technology and careers.