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Read about the latest games industry trends, news, and even tips and tricks you should know about – for game developers, publishers, and marketers alike.

Introducing ‘SCATHE’: Coming to PC & Consoles in 2022

There’s a new FPS in town and it’s about to bring a whole lotta hell. We’re super excited to announce that the Kwalee PC & Console team is publishing Scathe, our newest and third PC & Console title! Developed by Damage State, the gamedev studio consists of three ex-AAA veterans with over 40 years of combined industry experience.


Welcome to the Kwalee family, Tictales!

Nobody in the games industry has announced any acquisitions lately, right? Phew, okay! We’re thrilled to announce the first acquisition in our 10-year run, with Tictales joining the Kwalee family as a casual games partner.


This Month At Kwalee (June 2021)

This month at Kwalee, we’re starting something new: This Month At Kwalee!


It’s a truly exciting time for us right now and we want to share what’s going on with you with this new monthly update feature.


We want to talk about our activities and events, the things we’re sponsoring, our place in gaming industry news, and (of course) the games themselves.


This month at Kwalee is just the beginning!


NEWS – extra, extra!


Half a Billion Downloads Achieved: The Race to One Billion Begins!


‘To fully embrace digital distribution through great digital marketing, to propel high-quality games to a massive global audience.’ This, in a sentence, was the goal of Kwalee when we first established the company. Many things have changed in the years since then, but this core mission has served us well and we’ve never deviated from it. 


That’s what makes it so pleasing to have surpassed half a billion downloads across our catalogue of games, a testament to the inspired work of our team and serious validation of our original vision!

Winners Revealed, Buildbox Game Jam 'Prototypes' Event

After the brilliant success of our first game jam together and embarking on a long-term partnership, our most recent challenge to the Buildbox community was a game jam with the theme of ‘Prototypes’.


Using Buildbox, the no-code game development platform, participants use 3 days to create the best possible Hyper Casual game prototypes to impress a panel of judges from our publishing team.